October 18, 2024


News for criminal justice students

Tim Bakken – The Conversation


Tim Bakken is Professor of Law at the US Military Academy, West Point. He has practiced law in New York City, including as a homicide prosecutor in Brooklyn. He has been a visiting professor at Ural State Law University in Yekaterinburg, Russia, and he started the department of law at the National Military Academy of Afghanistan (Kabul). He has been a visiting scholar or researcher at Columbia Law School, the Australian National University College of Law, the University of Sydney Law School, and the University of Cambridge. His views are his own and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. He can be reached at (845) 938-5544 or





Bakken, T. The Plea of Innocence: Restoring Truth to the American Legal System (New York University Press, 2022).

Bakken, T. The Cost of Loyalty: Dishonesty, Hubris, and Failure in the U.S. Military (Bloomsbury, 2020).

Bakken, T. & Ramsey, W. Criminal Justice and the 2004 Elections (pamphlet) (Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005).

Bakken, T., Stock, M., & Welton, M. Guide to Criminal Law in New York (Second Edition) (Thomson/Wadsworth, 2004).

Bakken, T., Bickers, J., & Goldstein, R. Guide to Criminal Procedure in New York (Thomson/Wadsworth, 2004).

Bakken, T. Guide to Criminal Law in New York (Wadsworth, 2001).


Bakken, T. “The Defendant’s Plea of Innocent in Sexual Abuse Cases,” in Wrongful Allegations of Sexualand Child Abuse, 271, Oxford University Press (Ros Burnett, ed.) (chapter) (2016).

Bakken, T. “Legal Takeovers of Nations: The Value and Risks of Foreign Direct Investment in a Global Marketplace,” 40 University of Dayton Law Review 259 (2016).

Bakken, T., “Dodd-Frank’s Extension of Criminal Corporate Liability through the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Enabling Whistleblowers and Monitoring Conflict Minerals,” 36 Pace Law Review 1 (2015).

Bakken, T. “India’s Constitutional Restraint: Less Expression in a Large Democracy,” 5 Alabama Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Law Review 155 (2014).

Bakken, T. “Constitutional Rights and Political Power of Corporations after Citizens United: the Decline of Citizens and the Rise of Foreign Corporations and Super PACs,” 12 Cardozo Public Law, Policy & Ethics Journal 119 (2014).

Bakken, T. “A Woman’s Right to Combat: Equal Protection in the Military,” 20 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 271 (2014).

Bakken, T. “Dodd-Frank’s Caveat Emptor: New Criminal Liability for Individuals and Corporations,” 48 Wake Forest Law Review 1173 (2013).

Bakken, T. “The Prosecution of Newspapers, Reporters, and Sources for Disclosing Classified Information: The Government’s Softening of the First Amendment,” 45 University of Toledo Law Review 1 (2013).

Bakken, T. “Models of Justice to Protect Innocent Persons,” 56 New York Law School Law Review 867 (2012).

Bakken, T. & Steel, L. “Exonerating the Innocent: Pre-trial Innocence Procedures,” 56 New York Law School Law Review 855 (2012).

Bakken, T.“Nations’ use of Force outside Self-defense,” 8 Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 451 (2010).

Bakken, T. “Truth and Innocence Procedures to Free Innocent Persons: Beyond the Adversarial System,” 41 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 547 (2008).

Bakken, T. “Averting Catastrophe: Combating Iran’s Nuclear Threat,” 29 (2) Harvard International Review 84 (2007).

Bakken, T. “The Prosecution of War Crimes: Military Commissions and the Procedural and Substantive Protections Beyond International Law,” 30 Fordham International Law Journal 533 (2007).

Bakken, T. “What Does Lawrence v. Texas Mean for the Future of ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,’” 14 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 1218 (symposium) (2007).

Bakken, T. “The Contours of Judicial Deference to Military Personnel Policies,” 14 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy (symposium) 1231 (2007).

Bakken, T. “The Preemption of Nuclear Weapons,” 87 (6) Military Review 30 (2007).

Bakken, T. “The Absence of Spiritual Awakening and Understanding in Religious Conversion,” 59 The Journal of Religious Thought 101 (2006-07).

Casey-Acevedo, K., Bakken, T., & Karle, A. “Children Visiting Mothers in Prison: The Effects on Mothers’ Behavior and Disciplinary Adjustment,” 37 (3) The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 418 (2004).

Casey-Acevedo, K. & Bakken, T. “Women Adjusting to Prison: Disciplinary Behavior and the Characteristics of Adjustment,” 17 (4) Journal of Health and Social Policy Review 37 (2003).

Bakken, T. “The Effects of Hate Crime Legislation: Unproven Benefits and Unintended Consequences,” 5 International Journal of Discrimination and the Law (4) 231 (2002).

Casey-Acevedo, K. & Bakken, T. “Visiting Women in Prison: Who Visits and Who Cares?,” 43(3) Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 67 (2002).

Bransford, C. & Bakken, T. “The Evolution of Mental Health Care Policy and the Implications for Social Work,” 1 Social Work and Mental Health 1 (2002).

Bransford, C. & Bakken, T. “Reflections of Authority in Psychotherapy: From Freud to Post-Modernism,” 9 Psychoanalytic Social Work 57 (2002).

Bakken, T. & Bransford, C. “The Role of Human Agency in the Creation of Normative Influences within Individuals and Groups,” 5 Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 89 (2002).

Casey-Acevedo, K., Bakken, T., & Welton, M. “Women as Offenders,” 4 Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment, 1722 (D. Levinson, ed.) (Sage) (2002).

Bakken, T. “A Foundation for Practical and Successful Career Intervention,” 25 The Journal (Institute of Guidance Counsellors), 63 (2001).

Casey-Acevedo, K. & Bakken, T. “The Effects of Visitation on Women in Prison,” 25 International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice (1) (2001).

Casey-Acevedo, K. & Bakken, T. “The Effect of Time on the Disciplinary Adjustment of Women in Prison,” 45 International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 489 (2001).

Bransford, C. & Bakken, T. “Organization Theory and the Utilization of Authority in Social Work,” 9(1) Social Work and Social Sciences Review 5 (2001).

Bakken, T., Becker, E., & Welton, M. “Institutional Acceptance and Legal Equality,” 27 Journal of Intergroup Relations 16 (2001).

Bakken, T. “The Efficacy of Reinforcement Schedules and Knowledge of Results in Effecting Behavioral Change,” 6(2) Current Research in Social Psychology 22 (2001).

Bakken, T. “The Incorporation of Values into the Counseling Relationship,” 23 American Journal of Pastoral Counseling 1 (2000).

Bakken, T. “Liberty and Equality through Freedom of Expression: The Human Rights Questions Behind Hate Crime Laws,” 4(2) International Journal of Human Rights 1 (2000).

Bakken, T. “Constitutional and Social Equality: Legacies and Limits of Law, Politics, and Culture,” 7:1 Indian Journal of Gender Studies 71 (2000).

Bakken, T. “The Use of Criminal Law to Punish Individual Motivations: Determining the Limits of Freedom of Conscience,” Sentencing & Society Conference/University of Strathclyde (on-line: out of print and available from author) (2000).

Bakken, T. & Kortering, L. “The Constitutional and Statutory Obligations of Schools to Prevent Special Education Students from Dropping Out,” 20 Remedial and Special Education 6 (1999).

Bakken, T. “A Rationale for Maximizing Freedom of Expression at Colleges and Universities,” 4 Journal of Civil Liberties 102 (1999).

Bakken, T. “Liberty, Obscenity, and Majoritarian Institutions: Who Determines the Value of Expression?” 16 Glendale Law Review 1 (1998).

Klepper, W. M. & Bakken, T. “Hate Speech: A Call to Principles,” 35 National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Journal 38 (1997).

Bakken, T. “The Continued Failure of Modern Law to Create Fairness and Efficiency: The Presentence Investigation Report,” 40 New York Law School Law Review 363 (1996).

Bakken, T. “The Grand Jury” (synopsis) American Justice 352 (J. M. Bessette, ed.) (Salem) (1996).

Bakken, T. “The Infiltration of a Motorcycle Gang and the Codification of Its Social Norms and Psychological Processes,” VI Popular Culture Review 29 (1996).

Bakken, T. “Law Enforcement,” Survey of Social Science: Government and Politics Series 1059 (synopsis) (F. N. Magill & J. M. Bessette, eds.) (Salem) (1995).

Bakken, T. “The Quest of Law Enforcement for the Principled Interpretation of State Constitutions,” 5(2) State Constitutional Commentaries and Notes 1 (1995).

Bakken, T. “The Utility of Using Case Studies to Confront Ethical Dilemmas,” Teaching and Interactive Methods 399 (H. E. Klein, ed.) (World Association for Case Method Research and Application) (1995).

Bakken, T. “The Responsibility of Schools and Colleges to Monitor Pornography to Prevent Sexual Harassment,” 45 Labor Law Journal 762 (1994).

Bakken, T. “Cultivating Civilization: The Age of the English Coffeehouse,” 58 Social Education 345 (1994).

Bakken, T. “International Law and Human Rights for Defendants in Criminal Trials,” 25 Indian Journal of International Law 411 (1985).

Bakken, T. “Religious Conversion and Social Evolution Clarified,” 16 Small Group Behavior 157 (1985).

Bakken, T. “Dispute Resolution under the Trading with the Enemy Act: A Cooperative Approach between Corporations and the United States,” 7 Commercial Law Gazette (29) 3 & (30) 6 (1984).

Bakken, T. “Recognizing the Dilemma of Psychological Religious Converts,” 27 Counseling and Values 99 (1983).


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