March 15, 2025


News for criminal justice students

Veteran prosecutor Steve Gunnels steps into top role as Deschutes County’s new district attorney


(Update: Gunnels interview)

New chief prosecutor settles into second week of new role

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) — “I care very deeply about public safety, and the role of district attorney is extremely important in ensuring the public feels safe in their homes and with their families.”

Those are the words of new Deschutes County District Attorney Steve Gunnels as he begins the first full week of his new role, ready to make his mark on the organization.

Gunnels tells us he has known since the sixth grade he wanted to pursue a law career. 

“I used to argue with my parents — they told me I was gifted at it,” Gunnels said with a laughed while speaking with NewsChannel 21 on Monday.

The veteran prosecutor has served the county for the past 28 years, the last 20 as chief deputy district attorney.

Gunnels grew up in Deschutes County, graduating from Redmond High School and Oregon State University, before attending and receiving his degree from Georgetown University Law School. He did so with the goal in mind to come back home and help keep his community safe.

Now taking on the leadership role, after predecessor John Hummel decided not to seek another term, he said he hopes to reduce the communication gap Covid-19 created and to build strong relationships in the community.

“The big area of opportunity right now is opening up lines of communication with law enforcement, with the courts, and with the public in general,” Gunnels said.

He shared his top objectives.

“Our biggest priority is the prosecution of major crimes that occur in Deschutes County,” Gunnels said. “Murders, domestic violence, child abuse. Anything involving fentanyl and traffic crimes.”

Gunnels also has served for 20 years as the Family Drug Court prosecutor, work he plans to continue.

“The Family Drug Court program is a very structured program that connects people who are addicted to drugs with treatment for drug addiction, mental health problems, and for opportunities to get jobs,” he explained. 

On the issue of homelessness, Gunnels knows it’s a complicated problem with no simple solutions.

“The way the DA’s Office interacts with homelessness generally is when there’s a crime committed either against a homeless person or by a homeless person, and so we will continue to act to prosecute cases of that nature,” Gunnels said.

The new DA will be working with a staff of about 25 lawyers and 50 professional staff, including investigators, legal assistants, and victim advocates. Unlike other Oregon DA’s offices. they haven’t had to deal with staffing shortages.

“Our lawyers, our staff, our victim advocates seek justice every day and give victims of crime a voice in the criminal justice system,” Gunnels said.

In addition to having participated in various outreach programs, Gunnels said he serves as a frequent lecturer for law enforcement, community college and high schools.

He was also a recipient of the Champion of Victims’ Rights Award in 2021. 


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