September 21, 2024


News for criminal justice students

Mayor Adams Announces 21 Judicial Appointments and Reappointments


January 27, 2023

New York – New York City Mayor Eric Adams today announced 21 judicial appointments and reappointments to Family Court, Criminal Court, and Civil Court. Specifically, Mayor Adams appointed three Family Court judges, and one Criminal Court judge, and reappointed three Family Court judges, 10 Criminal Court judges, and four interim Civil Court judges.

“Helping our justice system operate more efficiently and effectively, and address some of the bottlenecks that resulted from the pandemic, is a critical component of our administration’s vision for a safer city,” said Mayor Adams. “These appointees are committed to carrying out that mission, and we are proud to have them serving our city to make it more just and equitable for all.”

At the criminal justice summit Mayor Adams convened in October, we heard from a diverse array of stakeholders about concrete steps we can take to keep New Yorkers safe,” said Chief Counsel to the Mayor and City Hall Brendan McGuire. “A consistent theme that emerged from the summit was the need for a well-resourced judicial system to address the enormous caseload that continues to delay justice for too many New Yorkers. These judicial appointees have the talent, experience, and dedication necessary to tackle the challenges our city faces, and we thank them for their service to our city.”

Mayor Adams appointed the following judges to Family Court:

Judge Gigi Parris was first appointed as an interim Civil Court judge in March 2021 and has been presiding in Family Court. She was a former corporate associate with Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, and Family Defense Practice staff attorney with The Bronx Defenders. She also served as a supervising attorney of the Family Defense Team at Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem, an associate court attorney, and last served as supervising court attorney to the supervising judge of Queens County Family Court.

Judge Janet McFarland was first appointed as an interim Civil Court judge in March 2021 and has been presiding in Family Court. Judge McFarland was a former Bronx County assistant district attorney. She also formerly served with the Mental Hygiene Legal Service as principal attorney at Woodhull Medical Center, and as a court attorney referee in Richmond County Family Court.

Judge Stephanie Schwartz was first appointed as an interim Civil Court judge in December 2021. She began her legal career with The Legal Aid Society, Criminal Defense Division and later served with the New York City Administration for Children’s Services in New York and Bronx counties for over nine years. Prior to her appointment to the bench, she was a court attorney referee in New York County Family Court.

Mayor Adams appointed the following judge to Criminal Court:

Judge Marty J. Lentz was first appointed as an interim Civil Court judge in December 2021 and has been serving in Criminal Court. She began her career as a law clerk in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. She then served as a staff attorney with The Legal Aid Society for 18 years. Her assignments included the Brooklyn Criminal Defense Practice, Misdemeanor Brooklyn Treatment Court, and Red Hook Community Justice Center.

Mayor Adams reappointed the following judges to Family Court:

Judge Gregory Gliedman was first appointed as a Family Court judge in January 2019. Judge Gliedman previously served with The Legal Aid Society, Juvenile Rights Division before establishing and maintaining his own practice. Prior to his appointment to the bench, Judge Gliedman was a support magistrate in Richmond County Family Court.

Judge Melody Glover has been presiding in Family Court since June 2017. She began her career with The Legal Aid Society and served in various capacities including as assistant attorney-in-charge of the Kings County Juvenile Rights Division. Prior to her appointment to the bench, she maintained a solo practice specializing in family and criminal law while serving with the Queens Law Associates for 20 years.

Judge Robert Hettleman was first appointed as a Family Court judge in December 2013 and served for four years. He was appointed to the Family Court again in April 2021. Judge Hettleman was a former New York County assistant district attorney for nearly 15 years, having served in various capacities including as chief of the Child Abuse Unit.

Mayor Adams reappointed the following judges to Criminal Court:

Judge Giyang An has been a Criminal Court judge since December 2021. Judge An was a former Bronx County assistant district attorney in the Criminal Court, Intake, Narcotics and Trial (Gun Readiness Unit) bureaus. She also served with the Office of the New York Attorney General as an assistant attorney general in the Torts Section of the Claims Bureau, Division of State Counsel.

Judge Miriam Best was appointed as an interim Civil Court judge in June 2003 and then appointed as a Criminal Court judge in October 2005. Early in her legal career, Judge Best was a litigation associate for a private firm. She was also a former prosecutor for the Appeals Bureau of the Kings County district attorney’s office and assistant U.S. attorney in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, Criminal Division. Judge Best then went on to serve as senior investigative counsel for the Office of the Special Narcotics Prosecutor. Prior to her appointment to the bench, Judge Best was deputy chief of the Frauds Bureau in the New York County district attorney’s office.

Judge Dale Fong-Frederick was appointed as a Criminal Court judge in October 2022. He formerly served with The Legal Aid Society, Criminal Defense Division in Queens County as a senior staff attorney. He subsequently went on to serve with the New York County Defender Services and was principal law clerk to a Criminal Court judge briefly before returning to The Legal Aid Society. Judge Fong-Frederick was also a former solo practitioner. He then became employed with the New York State Unified Court System and served in various capacities. Prior to his appointment to the bench, he presided as a court attorney-referee in Kings County Surrogate’s Court.

Judge Eugene Guarino was appointed as a Criminal Court judge in January 2017. He was first appointed as an interim Civil Court judge in June 2016, serving in Criminal Court. Judge Guarino began his legal career with the Queens County district attorney’s office before starting a private practice. Prior to his appointment, Judge Guarino was principal court attorney in Queens County Criminal and Supreme Courts.

Judge Melissa Lewis was appointed to the Criminal Court in December 2021. She formerly served with the Nassau County District Attorney’s Office for 14 years in the District Court Misdemeanor Trial Bureau, County Court Felony Trial Bureau, and Major Offense Bureau. She last served as a deputy bureau chief of the County Court Felony Trial Bureau and as director of recruitment. Prior to her appointment to the bench, she served with as deputy chief of staff at the New York State Unified Court System.

Judge Sara Litman has been a Criminal Court judge since October 2022. She was a former Kings County assistant district attorney who eventually became a senior assistant district attorney in the Sex Crimes Bureau. She subsequently joined the New York State Unified Court System as a principal law clerk in Supreme Court in Kings and Bronx counties, and last served as a principal court attorney in Kings County Supreme Court.

Judge Marisol Martinez Alonso was appointed to the Criminal Court in January 2019. She was first appointed as an interim Civil Court judge in February 2018, presiding in Criminal Court. Judge Martinez Alonso previously served with the Bronx County district attorney’s office for more than 16 years in various bureaus including as the former deputy chief of a Trial Bureau.

Judge Gia Morris has been a Criminal Court judge since January 2013. She was first appointed as an interim Civil Court judge in September 2011, serving in Criminal Court. She was an associate for private law firms, a former prosecutor in Kings County, and held executive positions in city and state investigative agencies, including as inspector general with the New York City Department of Investigation. Prior to her appointment, she served as assistant commissioner for investigations at the New York City Department of Corrections.

Judge Michael Ryan has been a Criminal Court judge since October 2022. He was a former prosecutor with the Kings County District Attorney’s Office, up until his appointment to the bench. During his tenure, he was assigned to various bureaus and held several titles, including but not limited to serving as a deputy bureau chief of the Early Case Assessment, Rackets and Criminal Court Bureaus, and as bureau chief of the Human Trafficking Bureau and Investigations Division. He last served as chief of the Criminal Courts Unit prior to his appointment to the bench.

Judge John Zoll has been serving in Criminal Court, first as an interim Civil Court judge, appointed in September 2011, and then as a Criminal Court judge, appointed in January 2013. He was a former solo practitioner and a criminal defense attorney for Queens Law Associates and The Legal Aid Society. Prior to his appointment to the bench, Judge Zoll was a principal court attorney and supervising court attorney in Criminal Court.

Mayor Adams reappointed the following judges to Civil Court:

Judge Diego Freire was first appointed as an interim Civil Court judge in December 2021 and has been serving in Criminal Court. He started his legal career with The Legal Aid Society, Queens County Criminal Defense Practice, where he served for 14 years. Prior to his appointment, he held the dual titles of senior staff attorney in Adolescent Intervention and diversion attorney.

Judge Anthony Battisti was first appointed as an interim Civil Court judge in December 2021 and has been serving in Criminal Court. Judge Battisti was a former prosecutor with the Queens County District Attorney’s Office before starting a law partnership. Prior to his appointment, he ran his own practice for 27 years in Queens, specializing in criminal defense cases.

Judge Liberty Aldrich was first appointed as an interim Civil Court judge in June 2021 and has been serving in Family Court. Prior to her appointment to the bench, she served with the Center for Court Innovation for nearly two decades, including as general counsel, director of Gender-based Violence and Family Court Programs, as well as managing director. She was also the senior director of the Domestic Violence and Immigration Law Projects at Safe Horizon. During her tenure with Mobilization for Youth Legal Services (now known as Mobilization for Justice Legal Services), Judge Aldrich helped establish Legal Information for Families Today, a non-profit information service for family court litigants.

Judge Cynthia Lopez was first appointed as an interim Civil Court judge in June 2021 and has been serving in Family Court. She formerly served with the New York City Administration for Children’s Services for 20 years where she held various titles in Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, and Brooklyn, including as supervising attorney of the Manhattan and Staten Island Family Court Legal Services. Prior to her appointment to the bench, Judge Lopez served as the borough chief of the Brooklyn Family Court Legal Services.


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