March 14, 2025


News for criminal justice students

Honoring 2 Chainz Marijuana Advocacy


Legendary marijuana advocates have had their fair share of trouble with the law. After all, it’s still illegal in the United States on a federal level.

I only mention 2 Chainz‘s past legal issues with cannabis to give you an understanding of his commitment, determination, and relentlessness in the fight for legalization and how his first-hand experiences with the feds could have been avoided altogether had it been legal.

Let’s take another trip down memory lane. This time, for the better. In January 2015, two years after 2 Chainz‘s wild ride with the feds, he sat down on CNN to speak with Nancy Grace in a debate about legalizing marijuana. This may be my personal opinion, but Grace’s arguments were infuriating, and 2 Chainz did an excellent and professional job of giving her the facts respectfully.

When debating the topic, Grace states that “irresponsible child abusers” would have access to cannabis, meaning they would give it to their children and use it however they please.

2 Chainz replied, “Everybody has the ability to get their hands on pot right now whether it’s legal or not. I just feel that if you legalize this particular drug, it cuts out certain things in the criminal justice system as far as the overcrowding of prisons [and] putting it on our criminal records that prevent us from getting loans [and] getting homes.”

A steamy-eared Grace quickly argued, “If you want to qualify for a home, then why don’t you just not smoke pot?”

Of course, she was eager to share a video with 2 Chainz about a mom and her friends giving her two-year-old daughter pot.

“That’s just something that you have to govern in your own household. Everyone knows that this is obviously wrong,” replied Epps.

He later expressed his list of reasons why it should be legalized, including the anxiety relief it gives him on long flights, during shows in front of 50,000 people, and for meet and greets. For the average person, he argued that it helps with rest, sleep, nausea, and other day-to-day issues that marijuana can alleviate.


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