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Acting Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh Appoints John J. Hodgens As Chief of Department


July 1, 2022

Malcolm Moore appointed Chief of Special Operations

Charles R. Downey appointed Chief of the Fire Academy

Acting Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh today appointed John J. Hodgens as Chief of Department, the highest-ranking uniformed position in the FDNY, and John M. Esposito as Chief of Fire Operations. In addition, Malcolm Moore was promoted to Deputy Assistant Chief and was appointed Chief of Special Operations and Charles R. Downey was promoted to Deputy Assistant Chief and appointed Chief of the Fire Academy.

“The men and women of the FDNY serve New Yorkers tirelessly every single day and I have tremendous confidence that these four chiefs, all veterans of the department, will continue to lead with dedication, integrity, and bravery,” said New York City Mayor Eric Adams. “New Yorkers owe these leaders a debt of gratitude for their service to our city and I extend my congratulations to all on them on their new appointments.”

“These four veteran Chiefs are true forward-looking and innovative leaders, who bring tremendous dedication, integrity and professionalism to their new roles in our Department,” said Acting Commissioner Laura Kavanagh. “Combined, they possess an incredible 125 years of experience fighting fires, providing medical care, and rescuing New Yorkers from life-threatening emergencies. They have bravely served our city every day of their careers and in these new critical leadership positions they will continue to set an extraordinary example for those in their command.”

“I am incredibly honored and humbled to serve as the 38th Chief of Department of the world’s greatest Fire Department,” said Chief Hodgens. “Like my father before me, I have dedicated my life to the FDNY and have considered it a true honor to wear this uniform. Our ranks are filled with incredibly dedicated and brave men and women who serve as Firefighters, EMTs, Paramedics, and Fire Inspectors. They fight fires, prevent fires, and provide outstanding emergency medical care. It is the honor of a lifetime to lead them, and I look forward to preparing this Department for new and complex challenges.”

“For three decades I have served with the brave men and women in this Department – learning from veteran Firefighters and leading outstanding companies across the city, as they bravely fought fires and performed complex, technical rescues,” said Chief of Operations John M. Esposito. “Our Department is blessed to have highly-trained, truly dedicated individuals who risk their lives every day fulfilling their sworn oaths and protecting life and property. It is a tremendous honor to serve as their Chief of Fire Operations.”

About Chief of Department John J. Hodgens
Chief Hodgens is a 36-year veteran who has most recently served as Chief of Fire Operations. He will oversee the Department’s 16,000 uniformed Firefighters and EMS personnel and four major agency Bureaus: Fire Operations, EMS Operations, Training, and Fire Prevention. He succeeds former Chief of Department Thomas Richardson, who retired earlier this year after 40 years of service.

As Chief of Fire Operations, Chief Hodgens has overseen the day-to-day work of more than 11,000 Firefighters and fire officers, as well as dozens of high-ranking Staff Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs and Battalion Chiefs.

Chief Hodgens joined the Department in 1986, and his first assignment was at Ladder Company 11 in Manhattan. He worked there until his promotion to Lieutenant in 1998, when he was transferred to Battalion 41 in Brooklyn, and was later assigned to Ladder Company 157 in Flatbush. Five years later, he was promoted to Captain and worked in the 8th Division on Staten Island, later becoming the officer in charge of Ladder Company 87 in Eltingville. In 2006, he was promoted to Battalion Chief and assigned to Battalion 38, where he and Chief Richardson served together for five years. In 2012, he was promoted to Deputy Chief and served as the Division Commander of Division 8, responsible for fire companies assigned to Staten Island and Brooklyn.

He has been cited for bravery twice in his career, including the rescue of an unconscious occupant from a fire in a Lower East Side apartment building in 1992 as a Firefighter in Ladder Company 11. He was awarded the Emerald Society Medal for his heroic actions.

He studied at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Columbia Southern University, receiving a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Fire Science and Emergency Management. He also graduated from the Naval Postgraduate School – Center for Homeland Defense and Security’s Executive Leadership Program (2021), the FDNY’s Advanced Leadership Course (2014) and the Officers Management Institute (2013). Chief Hodgens’ father, John J. Hodgens Sr., also rose to the rank of Chief, and served as the Chief of Fire Prevention. He retired in 1997 as an Assistant Chief after 32 years of service.

About Chief of Operations John M. Esposito
Chief Esposito is a 31-year veteran who has most recently served as Chief of Special Operations Command, where his responsibilities included leading Rescue and Hazardous Material Operations. As Chief of Fire Operations, Chief Esposito will oversee the day-to-day work of more than 11,000 Firefighters, Fire Officers and Chiefs.

Chief Esposito joined the Department in 1991, and his first assignment was Engine Company 324 in Queens. As a Firefighter, he was also assigned to Engine Company 47 and Squad Company 18 in Manhattan. He was promoted to Lieutenant in 2001 and returned to Squad Company 18 in Manhattan. In 2003, he was promoted to Captain and worked Division 13 in Queens and in the Special Operations Command; in 2005 he was promoted to Battalion Chief and served in Battalion 13 and later Battalion 11 in Manhattan. In 2011, he was promoted to Deputy Chief and assigned to Division 1 in Manhattan, and later served in Division 3 in Manhattan. In 2017, he was promoted to Deputy Assistant Chief and named Chief of Special Operations Command. In 2020, he was promoted once again, this time to Assistant Chief.

He is a graduate of Stony Brook University, the FDNY’s Fire Officers Management Institute, and has a Masters’ Degree in Security Studies from the Naval Postgraduate School. Chief Esposito has also served as the Intelligence and Analysis Section Chief at the FDNY’s Center for Terrorism and Disaster Preparedness. He also serves on the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) High-Rise Building Safety Advisory Committee.

About Chief of Special Operations Malcolm Moore
Chief Moore is a 26-year veteran of the Department. As Chief of Special Operations, he will oversee the Department’s highly trained special units including Hazardous Materials, Marine Operations and Rescue Operations.

Chief Moore joined the Department in 1996, and his first assignment was at Engine Company 214 in Brooklyn. As a Firefighter, he was also assigned to Engine Company 304 in Queens and Ladder Company 101 in Brooklyn. He was promoted to Lieutenant in 2003 and assigned to Battalion 49 and Ladder Company 136 in Queens. In 2007, he was promoted to Captain and assigned to Division 15 in Brooklyn, and later served as the Captain of Ladder Company 107 in Brooklyn. He was promoted to Battalion Chief in 2013 and served in Battalion 28 and Battalion 48 in Brooklyn and responded citywide as a Battalion Chief in the Rescue Battalion of Special Operations Command. He was promoted to Deputy Chief in 2019, serving in Division 13 in Queens and in the Rescue Battalion. Chief Moore is the first Black man to serve as Chief of Special Operations.

He is a graduate of SUNY Empire State College, the FDNY’s Fire Officers Management Institute, and the FDNY’s Mental Performance Initiative.

About Chief of the Fire Academy Charles R. Downey
Chief Downey is a 32-year veteran of the Department. As Chief of the Fire Academy, he will oversee training for Probationary Firefighters, in-service refresher training for active Firefighters, and all operations at the FDNY Training Academy on Randall’s Island.

Chief Downey joined the Department in 1990, and his first assignment was at Engine Company 235 in Brooklyn. As a Firefighter, he was also assigned to Ladder Company 176 in Brooklyn and Rescue Company 4 in Queens. He was promoted to Lieutenant in 1999 and assigned to Squad Company 41 in the South Bronx. In 2003, he was promoted to Captain and was assigned to Division 15 in Brooklyn and the Special Operations Command. In 2004, he was promoted to Battalion Chief and assigned to Battalion 50 in Queens. In 2019, he was promoted to Deputy Chief and was assigned to Division 15 in Brooklyn. He has been cited for bravery twice in his career.

He is a graduate of Stony Brook University, the FDNY’s Fire Officers Management Institute, the FDNY’s Mental Performance Initiative, and the Combatting Terrorism Center at West Point. He is a member of New York Task Force 1, which is part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Urban Search and Rescue Response System.

Chief Downey’s father, Deputy Chief Raymond Downey had a 39½ year career and was the Chief in Charge of Special Operations Command when he made the Supreme Sacrifice at the World Trade Center on September 11th. Chief Raymond Downey was a highly decorated member of the Department and an expert in technical rescue. Chief Charles Downey’s brother, Joseph Downey, is a 37-year veteran and the Battalion Commander of the FDNY Rescue Battalion.

Swearing in Ceremony for FDNY Chief of Department John J. Hodgens and FDNY Chief of Operations John M. Esposito | Flickr

Streamed live on July 1, 2022
FDNY Swearing-In Ceremony for Chief of Department John Hodgens


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