October 18, 2024


News for criminal justice students

If you’re unemployed in WeHo, you probably don’t drink heavily


West Hollywood’s unemployed are the least likely to be heavy drinkers in California, study finds.

  • Study compares unemployment vs heavy drinking in each county in California.
  • ImperialCounty has the highest rate of unemployed heavy drinkers in the state.
  • Infographicranking each county from 1-58.

A statewide study byRehabs.com, a leading provider of addiction treatment resources, has found thatLos AngelesCounty’s West Hollywoodhas among the lowestrate of unemployed heavy drinkers in California. Using data byCounty Health Rankings, the number of heavy drinkers were identified as well as those who were unemployed. These figures were then weighted by the local working population size to calculate a ranking within the state. Los Angeles County, which includes West Hollywood,hasan 18% excessive drinking rate, and an unemployment rate of 4.4% (227,288people),ranking it in 30thplace in California.

Imperial County emerged in first place overall for the highest rate of unemployed drinkers in the Golden State, with 19,763excessive drinkers, andan 18.3% unemployment rate.

Comparatively and more positively, Santa Clara County placed last in the state. The county’s 210,252 excessive drinkers compared against a 2.5% unemployment rate. 

What is heavy/binge drinking?

Binge drinking is a serious – but also considered apreventable– public health issue across the country. It’s estimated that 77% of the cost of excessive alcohol consumption in the U.S. is due tobinge drinking, and most binge drinkers are not alcohol dependent. That is, they typically don’t struggle with a complete inability to stop drinking, or crave alcohol to the point that they can’t focus on anything else. These costs, however, are a result of loss in workplace productivity, criminal justice costs and healthcare expenditures, among other expenses.

Defined as a drinking pattern that increases an individual’s blood alcohol concentration to 0.08 g/dl or above, this usually occurs when women have four or more drinks over approximately a two-hour period. For men, it’s typically five or more drinks in the same time period. These limits are lower for women because they tend to have smaller bodies and less water to dilute alcohol, so the concentration of alcohol in their blood will be higher than in a man who drinks the same amount.

Why can heavy drinking be a risk to health?

Therisksof alcoholism have been widely discussed,and many are aware of the negative consequences that can ensue, such as increased risk of car accidents, serious falls and injuries and alcohol poisoning. However, fewer people know that long-term heavy drinking is also associated with:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart arrhythmias
  • Increased risk of developing diabetes
  • Higher cancer risks, including cancers of the breast, pancreas, liver, lung and gastrointestinal system
  • Mental health problems
  • Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
  • Memory and learning issues

What is the social impact of heavy drinking?

The social impact of alcohol abuse is a separate issue from the health and financial costs involved. This impact starts by negatively affecting home and family life first. These issues can then extend into the community and possibly have a detrimental effect on society as a whole (much in the same way that excessive drinking creates costs to the US). Interpersonal and family relationships can be disturbed by heavy drinking patterns, potentially resulting in ongoing conflict. These trends can carry over into the workplace due to factors like poor performance, absenteeism or even accidents as a result of alcohol use. A combination of the above consequences of heavy drinking can also negatively impact the quality of life of both the drinker as well as their loved ones.

Treatment options available for alcohol use disorder

Although alcohol use disorder is common in the United States, they are treatable. A wide variety of rehabs, addiction treatment programs, and aftercare services are offered to help people find a program that is best for them. If you have developed an alcohol addiction, understanding your options for treatment is important. Alcohol rehab centers can offer you the medical attention and support you need to pursue and maintain sobriety.

Proper treatment facilities provide patients with care from medical for the treatment of their alcohol use disorder (AUD). Many people benefit from inpatient treatment since they are separated from the triggers that lead to them drinking and can focus solely on their recovery. In addition to treatment for alcohol addiction, many facilities also specialize in rehabilitation from substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions, and offer patients treatment in a private residential setting or outpatient treatment services.

“Heavy (or binge) drinking is an extremely common pattern of drinking among people with or without an addiction to alcoholsays aRehabs.comspokesperson.“This type of excessive drinking can be detrimental to a person’s health and overall quality of life, regardless of their age, gender or employment status.”


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