February 6, 2025


News for criminal justice students

Democrat Christy Wolfe enters race for House District 90 in Iowa City


Christy Wolfe, an Iowa City resident and sister to state Rep. Mary Wolfe, will join the race for Iowa House District 90 in northern Iowa City.

Wolfe, who clerks for her sister in Des Moines, told the Press-Citizen she watched as state politics increasingly revolved around education the past two years and more incumbents have announced they don’t plan to seek reelection. She said she initially reached out to online groups of educators to encourage others to run for Iowa House, but was instead urged to run because of her own background in education.

“As the corridor grows, Iowa City needs a loud voice at the Capitol fighting for what matters to Iowa,” Wolfe said in a news release announcing her candidacy.

Christy Wolfe, Iowa House District 90 candidate, poses Thursday in Iowa City. She has been clerking for her sister, state Rep. Mary Wolfe of Clinton.

Wolfe, 54, was born in Des Moines and grew up in Clinton before moving to Iowa City while pursuing her law degree at the University of Iowa in 1995 and eventually receiving her doctorate in social foundations of education. Outside of clerking for her sister, Wolfe is an occasional substitute teacher in the Iowa City Community School District.

The Clinton Herald reported in January that Mary Wolfe will not run for reelection, opting to return to practicing law full time.


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