March 13, 2025


News for criminal justice students

Ghent Human Rights PhD Vacancies; UN Audiovisual Library of International Law; Salzburg PostDoc Position in PIL; CfP German Yearbook of International Law – EJIL: Talk!


1. PhD Vacancies for The Programme for Studies on Human Rights in Context (Ghent University). The Programme for Studies on Human Rights in Context (Ghent University) is hiring 2 PhDs. They are seeking to fill 2 full-time PhD positions as part of the European Research Council (ERC) Project ‘IMPACTUM’ Assessing the Impact of Urgent Measures in Protecting at Risk-Detainees led by Prof. Clara Burbano-Herrera at the Programme for Studies on Human Rights in Context of Ghent University. They are particularly looking for two team members, namely one with a background in criminology (PhD1) and one with a background in law (PhD2) with interest in Latin-American studies, prisons and/or human rights, experience in analytical tasks, trained in qualitative research, and with a passion for communication. Apply before 5 October. More information can be found here

2. New Additions to the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law (AVL). The Codification Division of the UN Office of Legal Affairs recently added the following material to the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law: A mini-series on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes in Spanish by Professor Marcelo Kohen; a lecture on The Responsibility of Armed Non-State Actors in Armed Conflicts in English by Dr. Annyssa Bellal; and, a lecture on Privileges and Immunities in Spanish by Professor Ricardo Arredondo. The Audiovisual Library of International Law is also available as a podcast on SoundCloud and can also be accessed through the relevant preinstalled applications on Apple or Google devices, or through the podcast application of  preference by searching “Audiovisual Library of International Law”.

3. PostDoc Position in Public International Law, Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg. The Department of Legal Theory, Public International Law and European Union Law is seeking to fill the position of Postdoctoral researcher as of 1 October 2022 to strengthen the team of Prof. Dr. Kirsten Schmalenbach (International Law). Full time contract (40h per week), fixed term for 5 years, optional one year prolongment. The candidate should be located throughout the period of the contract either in Salzburg or in its surrounding areas. The closing date for applications is 28 August 2022. Required qualifications include a PhD in international law. See here for more information.

4. Call for Papers: German Yearbook of International Law. The Editors of the GYIL invite submissions for volume 65 (2022) on all topics of public international law, with an extended deadline of 1 October 2022. The General Articles section of the GYIL is open to submissions from the entire academic community and is independently peer-reviewed by a board of renowned experts. Papers should be 10,000-12,500 words inclusive of footnotes and must conform with the house style guide of the GYIL (which is available on the yearbook website). Submissions, including a brief abstract, statement of affiliation, and confirmation of exclusive submission, should be sent  to the Managing Editor of the GYIL via e-mail: yearbook {at} wsi.uni-kiel(.)de. All submissions will be considered on a rolling basis. More information can be found at the GYIL website or via the website of the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law. 


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