CAA approves new role playing class – The Daily Eastern News

The Council of Academic Affairs met on unanimously approved multiple classes during their meeting on Thursday.
The unanimous approval of HIS 1527G, Gaming the Past was approved. The class will be about students examining themes in world history participating in role-playing games. Games will vary from semester to semester, but the aim will be the same.
Another agenda that was discussed was the unanimous approval of Criminology and Criminal Justice B.A. The revision included having new faculty. Before the approval, the major required 28 hours of required core classes, without including a 3-hour prerequisite class (PLS 1153G: American Government and Constitution). The revision adds Introduction to Criminal Justice to the core while keeping core requirements to 28 to 31 credit hours.
A revision for the criminology minor was unanimously approved too. The minor will now be more transparent.
The unanimous approval was made for CSM-4986, Deep Learning and Neural Networks. The class will be 3 credit hours and will focus on theory and practice in neural networks. Some of the topics that will be discussed in the class will be speech recognition, natural language processing, and deep learning to solve applications in computer vision.
The unanimous approval of US History: The Black Experience took place at the meeting. This class will be about African American history in chronological order. It will start with the seventeenth century to the present.
The unanimous decision to approve of US History: Gender and Sexuality also took place at the meeting. The course offers a thematic approach to US history. Students will go learn, in depth, about historical occurrences from the colonial time period to the present.
HIS 2050G, Latine History, was unanimously approved. The course will be an introducrion to the experiences of peoples in Latin American and Hispanic Caribbean descent in the United States from the sixteenth century through the present that emphasizes the influence of immigration, imperialism, racialization, and community building.
Finally, the approval of HIS 2060G, The History of Your Life, was unanimously decided upon. The class will teach students about events that are political, social, economic, and global events, such as modern American Wars, that shaped students lives.
CAA will meet next Thursday at 2 p.m.
Cam’ron Hardy can be reached at 581-2812 or at [email protected]
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