Research and Honors, January 24 – News

Emily Jones, KNR, coauthored the article, “Virtual Community Participation as ‘Sirius’ Leisure” in World Leisure Journal.
Abdelmounaam Rezgui, IT, coauthored the article, “A Brief Review on Mathematical Tools Applicable to Quantum Computing for Modelling and Optimization Problems in Engineering” in Emerging Science Journal.
Lisya Seloni, ENG, authored the article, “Activity theory as an analytical framework to understand expertise in L2 writing instruction” in the Journal of Second Language Writing.
Liangcheng Yang, HSC, John C. Sedbrook, Nicholas J. Heller, David E. Kopsell, David E. Kopsell, AGR, coauthored the article, “Anaerobic Digestion of Cereal Rye Cover Crop” in Fermentation.
Connie Dyar, FCS, presented, “Let’s Make Toast! And Analyzing Strategies for Teaching Building Codes,” at the Interior Design Educators Council Midwest Regional Conference.
Audrey Heffers, ENG, presented “Queer Love, Queer Life: On Transcending Genre.” at the Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association Conference 2022.
Mijin Kim, CJS, presented, “Unpacking Deaths in Custody: A Descriptive Examination,” at the American Society of Criminology.
Laura Sweeney, ENG, presented, “Radical Women Self-Portraitists: An Intersectional Exploration of the Poetic Form,” at the National Women’s Studies Association 2022 conference.
Georgia Tsouvala, HIS, presented new research on a coin hoard from Corcyra (modern Corfu, Greece) at the XVI International Numismatic Congress in Warsaw, Poland.
Andres Sanchez, ENG, earned the International March of Diekirch medal, with Crossed Cannons device, from the Luxembourg Army this past month.
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