Pitman schedule has benefits for NJ cops, experts say

Woodland Park police rang out the old — a five days on, two days off work schedule —on Jan. 1, and began a new 12-hour rotation known as the Pitman schedule.
The new schedule means that officers work 12-hour shifts for two days in a row, then have two days off, followed by three 12-hour days and three days off.
John Uzzalino, Woodland Park’s police chief, said the change has been talked about for 20 years, but this fall the 28-officer department decided to make the switch.
It wasn’t a tough sell, in a part because it is easier on police officers and their families.
“They get every other weekend off,” said Uzzalino. “It makes it easier on the them to plan thing like family events.”
Is the 12-hour shift better for cops?
The new schedule means that instead of three eight-hour shifts each day and a schedule that rotates more frequently, there are two shifts per day and four squads of officers. Officers in each squad get every other weekend off.
While members of the department’s PBA did not return calls for comment, the matter of police shifts and fatigue has been studied to determine which are better for police officers.
An academic study by Dennis Kenney and Bryan Vila found that the 12-hour shift may be the most sustainable for cops.
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Kenney, a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, said they determined that 12-hour shifts have benefits over 10-hour shifts and eight-hour shifts.
For example, fewer shifts with more time between them gives officers more recovery time.
“Most cops are working extra security details, taking college classes and have family issues,” Kenney said, so working every day tends to wear them down. “Twelve-hour shifts mean more blocks of free time.”
The schedule seems to appeal to younger officers, the chief said.
The Pitman schedule is popular among departments in New Jersey, with Clifton and Denville among those employing it, although it’s difficult to pinpoint how many departments use it.
Can Pitman schedule save money?
Woodland Park Mayor Keith Kazmark told the department’s leadership, other than taxpayer interests, “he didn’t have a dog in this fight.”
“Just make sure it is revenue neutral,” he said.
In turns out that the schedule will reduce staffing costs slightly in the first year, and probably more in the second, with savings starting at around $10,000.
The borough budgets around $120,000 for overtime and the hope is to see a reduction in that as well, Kazmark said.
Kenney concurred, saying their studies found that overtime tends to be greatly reduced when departments go to 12-hour shifts.
And there’s a bonus for residents under the Pitman schedule: The department is able to put more officers on street during busiest times. That happens because there are more officers on duty when there are more shifts, officials said.
Matt Fagan is a local reporter for NorthJersey.com. For unlimited access to the most important news from your local community, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.
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