October 19, 2024


News for criminal justice students

Colorado Springs police study finds shift in arrests, use of force cases | Subscriber-Only Content


Colorado Springs police were arresting a growing number of people annually over three years through 2019 and using force against a growing number of them during that same period, as well.

But in 2020, the trend was interrupted as the community experienced COVID-19, protesters took to the streets to call for change in policing, and as the state passed a sweeping police reform bill, according to a recently released report on the Colorado Springs Police Department.

The Police Department commissioned the $169,000 use-of-force study by Transparency Matters that examined racial disparities following protests of police tactics in Colorado Springs and nationally over the death of George Floyd, a Minnesota Black man who was murdered by a white police officer. 

The study could not say exactly why the arrests and incidents of use of force fell off, but noted that the trend seemed correlated to Floyd’s death and the passage of Senate Bill 20-217, a Colorado law that banned chokeholds and made it possible for individuals to sue officers, among other changes.

The data show arrests increased from about 18,000 in 2017 to 21,000 in 2019, then dropped to 18,620 arrests in 2020. Use of force dropped during 2020, the monthly numbers show, but the annual number of use-of-force instances in 2020 was still above that of 2019, with 571 use-of-force instances compared to 555. 

Mayor John Suthers said he believes the police backed off after Floyd’s death here and around the country, but that the community is getting back to an appropriate level of policing. Arrests should be rising as the population grows, he said. 

“The lack of policing is partly responsible for the skyrocketing crime rates, and hopefully that’s behind us,” he said. 


A chart included in the Transparency Matters study shows how use of force by Colorado Springs police dropped off following the death of George Floyd and passage of Colorado Senate Bill 20-217, a sweeping police reform bill. 

Racial disparities in policing 

Police use of force was a flash point in Colorado Springs residents’ calls for greater accountability in 2020.

The consultants examined how 5,933 individuals had force used against them over four years. The police force left 73% of people involved in those instances injured, although only 1.5% were seriously injured, the report said.

The experts also calculated, in several ways, whether Black and Hispanic people were experiencing disproportionately more force. 

The report found that Black arrestees are 36% more likely to have force used against them and Hispanic arrestees are 20% more likely. The report focused on using either the arrestee population or criminal suspect population to determine whether Black and Hispanic people face more force, rather than using U.S. Census data as a benchmark.

However, outside experts said that census benchmarks can reveal root problems in a community, and that it is important community leaders are aware of those measures of disparity. 

When compared to census data, Black residents are 4.75 times more likely to have force used against them than white arrestees, while Hispanic residents are 1.04 times more likely, the study said.  

“This finding shows that use of force for Black individuals compared to white individuals is highly disparate, relative to their respective representation in the residential population,” the study said. 

Using census data is a crude comparison and “it doesn’t account for any differential behavior on the part of the people who are being subjected to force,” said Professor Jack Glaser, a social psychologist at the University of California Berkeley, who studies stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination in policing. When researchers use arrestee data, it takes into account that Black and Hispanic people may be violating the law at higher rates. 

However, the police may also be spending more time in lower-income neighborhoods that have more crime and are more likely to be home to Black people. So that increases the chances those people will have contact with the police, Glaser said. 


A chart from the Transparency Matters use of force study shows how much more likely certain racial groups are to face disproportionate use of force compared to their percentage of the population, the arrestee population and the criminal suspect population. 

City officials should want to know what the root causes are contributing to a disproportionate use of force against a specific group of people, he said. 

Put another way, using benchmarks based on arrestee data ignores poverty, lack of school resources to help students and lack of employment opportunities that make it more likely Black and Hispanic people will encounter the police, said Rachel Lautenschlager, an assistant professor of sociology and criminology at the University of Denver.

Suthers, a former prosecutor, said he agrees with the consultants that using the census data as a benchmark is the least accurate way to gauge bias, and that he trusts their assessment of the city.

“I know that they are perfectly able to and have, in other cities, pointed out very significant issues,” he said. 

Firearms as force

While Hispanic people were not as likely as Black people to face more force, researchers found Hispanic people across all benchmarks were more likely to be held at gunpoint. The consultant recommended that the department “consider the necessary changes to policy, training, reporting and supervision” to address that disparity.  

Reducing how often Hispanic arrestees or suspects face a weapon could help save lives, Glaser said.

“If you are pointing a gun at someone, you are one step closer to shooting them,” he said.

CSPD tracks instances of police pointing a gun at someone separately from use of force such as pepper spray, and it found 4,134 people faced a police firearm over the study period. 

One of the proven ways to reduce violence is for police to slow down interactions with suspects and ensure they have cover and are not opening themselves up to harm. When police are afraid, they are more likely to engage, and that can lead to shooting unarmed people, Glaser said. 

“Don’t go barreling around that blind corner — that can really help,” he said. 

Some departments also are placing emphasis on officers keeping their weapons holstered to help reduce violence, he said. 

Improving the department

The Transparency Mattes report made numerous recommendations for improving policing in Colorado Springs, including improving use of force and deescalation training and greater transparency.

Suthers said he expected the department to implement all recommendations listed in the report and he would work with the department on budgeting for improvements before he leaves office next year. 

CSPD has not set a timeline for implementing recommendations, spokesman Lt. Jim Sokolik said. He could not yet say which changes would be prioritized, but some could be easier to implement, such as changes to data collection. 

An advocate with the Chinook Center, Jonathan Christiansen, said he doubted the city’s and department’s commitment to change. 

“I don’t trust the Police Department or the mayor to implement any of these,” said Christiansen, a leader with the nonprofit that works on social, economic and environmental justice. He noted the department officials have been dismissive of the nonprofit’s feedback in the past and the administration has seemed opposed to reform. 

He also said the methodology of the report could have been better. He said other studies have done statistically valid surveys of the community and asked residents to share their experiences instead of relying so heavily on police reports, which may not always be complete accounts of what happened. 

It would be better if a truly nonbiased entity, such as the state, investigated the Colorado Springs Police Department, he said. But barring that, it probably will continue to be up to citizens to push for needed reforms. 

“If the community reads this (study), it’s an opportunity for the community to continue to push these issues.”


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