February 17, 2025


News for criminal justice students

Caps off to Southside grads


Compiled by Nicole Davis

They’ve studied hard, put in the time and it has paid off in a big way. Whether it came easily or with many sacrifices, these high school seniors are graduating with top honors and heading off to college with valedictorian or salutatorian status stamped on their resumes. Here, get to know those who ranked at the tops of their classes.

Congratulations to all of our 2022 graduates!


Maya Coker


GPA: 4.5

(Submitted photos)

Future plans: I’m going to study Exercise Science at Ball State University. I plan to be an occupational therapist.

Extracurriculars/hobbies: I played soccer for 11 years, and I participated in the marching band for six years. I also enjoy volunteering with the National Honor Society.

Favorite book/movie: “Hannah Montana: The Movie” and “A Series of Unfortunate Events” by Lemony Snicket.

What motivates you to succeed in your education? I would love to gain a successful career in the future.

What makes you happiest? Having fun with family and friends makes me the happiest.

What talent would you most like to possess? I think it would be really exciting to learn how to surf!

Kyla Goebel


GPA: 4.540

Future plans: I plan on attending Canisius College in Buffalo, New York for animal behavior, ecology and conservation.

Extracurriculars/hobbies: I am in NHS and French Club. Some of my hobbies include being a menace to society, running away from my responsibilities, working with my hands to create little things and chillin’.

Favorite book/movie: I like “The Book Thief” and “Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.”

What motivates you to succeed in your education? Living a dead-end 9-5 office job with no actual life is a scary thought to me. Working hard now will hopefully open up opportunities for me to live my best life in the future.

What makes you happiest? It sounds kind of cheesy, but feeling loved and appreciated by friends and family makes me happy. Immaculate vibes also hit the spot, like summer nights with good music is where it’s at.

What talent would you most like to possess? I think it would be cool to be really talented at pen spinning.


Center Grove Schools had not announced its valedictorian or salutatorian as of print deadline. The Southside Times will feature these students at a later date.


Alyssa Collins


GPA: 4.476

Future plans: Purdue University, majoring in neurobiology & physiology and creative writing

Extracurriculars/hobbies: I play soccer for Franklin Central and FC Pride and am in NHS, Academic Team and our Athletics Leadership Academy. In my free time, I love to read, write, doodle and make jewelry.

Favorite book/movie: Book – “The Waves” by Virginia Woolf; Movie – “Pitch Perfect”

What motivates to succeed in your education? I’m motivated by my need to better myself. I always want to become a kinder, more creative, more knowledgeable person to make both my past and future self proud!

What makes you happiest? I can’t help but smile around my family and friends. I also love to blast my favorite music, over-annotate good books and take time to be out in nature.

What talent would you most like to possess? I’d love to be able to speak every language and thus be able to learn what every human has to say!

Brayden Gogis


GPA: 4.458

Future plans: Taylor University for engineering and biochem, entrepreneurship minor

Extracurriculars/hobbies: App and game development, swimming, volunteering at church

Favorite book/movie: Way too difficult to decide but for the sake of this I will go with “Inception” for movie and “The Raw Shark Texts” for book

What motivates to succeed in your education? My family is very encouraging and always supports me, making me want to do my best. I also am very self-motivated and genuinely like to learn.

What makes you happiest? Being able to have a positive impact on others brings me joy. The opportunities and talents I have been blessed with would be wasted and empty if I didn’t use them for others.

What talent would you most like to possess? Cartwheel


Sarah Ziegler


GPA: 4.0

Future plans: Attend Grand Canyon University to study elementary and special education

Extracurriculars or hobbies: Swimming, Adventure Crew (through the Boy Scouts), and enjoys training dogs

Favorite book/movie: The original Lion King Movie

What motivates you to succeed in your education? I am motivated by knowing that God has a purpose for me and succeeding in my education, will help me to achieve that purpose.

What makes you happiest? Knowing I have helped another person in life

What talent would you most like to possess? I wish I were a better singer

Delaney Dillard


GPA: 4.0

Future plans: Butler University, study middle/secondary math education

Extracurriculars/hobbies: ASL Club, NHS, cheerleading, bowling, Theatre at Creative Grounds Fine Arts Academy

Favorite book/movie: “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine”

What motivates you to succeed in your education? The more wisdom I have, the more wisdom I can share with the next generation!

What makes you happiest? Performing and using my gifts to glorify God

What talent would you most like to possess? I wish I was more athletic!


Jenna Vandergriff


GPA: 4.875

Future plans: Purdue University for Aerospace Engineering

Extracurriculars/hobbies: Vice president of National Honor Society, senior representative of Student Council, ambassador for new students, barista at Starbucks. Hobbies: Outdoor hiking, rock climbing, baking desserts, growing fruits and vegetables, reading classic novels, makeup, thrifting clothes

Favorite book/movie: “When the Emperor was Divine,” “Howl’s Moving Castle”

What motivates you to succeed in your education? I am motivated to work hard in school in order to feel a sense of satisfaction from earning high grades and praise from my teachers. Additionally, I enjoy the process of learning new things; I believe I am a lifelong student that will always strive to better my education and understanding of the world.

What makes you happiest? I am truly in my happy place when I am traveling. I love experiencing new foods, cultures and environments, especially those that engulf me in nature, and I always try to incorporate an activity that gives me an adrenaline rush!

What talent would you most like to possess? I would love to further develop myself as an artist and musician in the future. At the top of my list is learning to sew clothes, make pottery and compose marimba solos. However, there are many other things I would also like to learn because I’m constantly finding new things that pique my interest.

Leia Jones


GPA: 4.654

Future plans: University of Notre Dame, as a preprofessional studies major

Extracurriculars/hobbies: I have participated in Academic Team, Student Council, National Honor Society and two musicals at school. Outside of school, I have danced for 10 years, and I work at Starbucks (which I love).

Favorite book/movie: The “Scream” franchise are my favorite movies

What motivates you to succeed in your education? I would like to make my mom proud and to give her as much as she has given me.

What makes you happiest? Spending time with my friends and family.

What talent would you most like to possess? I would like to be able to speak every language in the world, including non-spoken languages.


Sukhpreet Kaur Gill


GPA: 4.35

Future plans: Cybersecurity and criminal justice

Extracurriculars/hobbies: I am in Academic Super Bowl and Spell Bowl. I am the captain of ASB Social Studies Team and a member of ASB Math Team. I also enjoy kickboxing in my spare time.

Favorite book/movie: “1984” seems to be my all-time favorite read. This book captured my attention from all angles.

What motivates you to succeed in your education? Competition motivates me towards success. And throughout my high school career I have realized that, yes competition makes me faster, but collaboration makes me better.

What makes you happiest? Being able to say I made a difference at the end of the day, makes me happiest.

What talent would you most like to possess? I honestly don’t know … I think I am very satisfied with my talents; if I were to possess different talents, it wouldn’t really be me.

Alden Asher


GPA: 4.33

Future plans: I am attending the United States Military Academy in West Point, NY to become a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army. I plan to study mechanical engineering.

Extracurriculars/hobbies: I’ve done cross country, soccer (state runner-up) and track in the past. I’ve also participated in Academic Super Bowl (state champ), robotics, student council, theater and concert band. I like to read, play video games and run whenever I have free time.

Favorite book/movie: The classic “Lion King”

What motivates you to succeed in your education? I know that the work I put into my education right now will pay off later in life. I’m always looking at what I’m doing right now to benefit my future self.

What makes you happiest? Being with my close friends makes me the happiest. Going over to their house, having a bonfire, going out to eat, anything that I do with my friends makes me happy.

What talent would you most like to possess? I would love to have a photographic memory. It would free up a lot of time that I spend studying.

Ian Hedges


GPA: 4.33

Future plans: Attend Purdue University for Exploratory Studies

Extracurriculars/hobbies: Soccer

Favorite book/movie: “John Wick”

What motivates you to succeed in your education? Graduating

What makes you happiest? Playing soccer

What talent would you most like to possess? The defending skills of Carles Puyol and Sergio Ramos


Perry Township Schools uses the Latin Honor System instead of having valedictorians/salutatorians. Instead, here, Perry Meridian celebrates its Class of 2022 Senior Academic Scholars:

Brooklynn Ahnafield, Kira Arkins, Kam Aung, Joseph Bawl, Velthachin Bawihrin, Izaiah Brinker, Trevor Brumbaugh, Esther Cer, Lucy Fischer, Lauren Gary, Kaitlin Gwin, Cooper Hutson, Priscilla Huynh, Sarah Jackson, Rolando Jorge, Dagan Knight, Olivia Koleszar, Logan McCleese, Andrew McLain, Abigail Mercer, Cara Oser, Suingun Par, Matthew Patterson Jr., Allison Rastrelli, Rachel Schmidt, Solomon Siang, Alexandra Sitzman, Wesley Vanek,

Tiffany Wu, Pierson Xayamath, Ala Zi, Bawi Sing


Valedictorian Anne Ameis, left, with salutatorian Katrina Gangstad.

Anne Ameis


Future plans: I will attend Miami University of Ohio to major in biology and co-major in pre-med. I also hope to minor in psychology and nutrition.

Extracurriculars/hobbies: Co-founder of Earth Club; member of Student Council, Ski Club and Four Paws Club; executive board member of South Deanery Dance Marathon; participant in Unified Track and CYO Basketball

Favorite book/movie: “Harry Potter”

What motivates you to succeed in your education? My desire to always learn more

What makes you happiest? Being with friends and family

What talent would you most like to possess? Public speaking skills

Katrina Gangstad


Future plans: Purdue for veterinary medicine in the Vet Scholars Program

Extracurriculars/hobbies: I play varsity tennis, co-founder of Earth Club, CYO Volleyball, Four Paws Club

Favorite book/movie: “The Hunger Games”

What motivates you to succeed in your education? My goal of becoming a veterinarian

What makes you happiest? Spending time with my friends and family

What talent would you most like to possess? Flying


Perry Township Schools uses the Latin Honor System instead of having valedictorians/salutatorians. Instead, here, Southport celebrates its Class of 2022 S.T.A.R.S. – Students Tackling Academic Rigor Successfully:

Karim Aloys, Audra Marie Barclay, Berenice Becerra, Elijah Joseph Beck, Curtis Allen Burgess, Annika Kathryn Chan, Naomi Jennifer Chan, Sophia Karen Chan, Samantha Nicole Cox, Tial Len Cual, Natalia Tiara Delgado Gonzalez, Rui Hao Dong, Micah Allen Fishel, Lauren Rose Fowerbaugh, Hector Alejandro Gonzalez Loza, Annalise Marie Green, Aracely Guerreo-Alsonso, Evan James Hasty, Madeline Jewel Jarvis, Magdalene Hope Johnson, Chan Uk Lian,

Biak Sai Lo, Margaret Ruth Manning, Haley Alexis Matlock, Sophia Grace Aijuan McKinney, Emily Christine Mertz, Pilar Nava Cardona, Taleah Mercedes Nool, Grace Ann Palmer, Biak Tha Chin Par, Saron Par, Shirly Ngun Tin Par, Alexandris Danielle Peterson, Khual Pi, Ella Jean Pierle, Lillian Charais Prawat, Joanna Ramirez, Hope Jessica Reynolds, Evan Rhea Scott, Richa Shrestha, Basheba So Hnai, Lindsey Rose Soruco, Cherry Sui, Annie Par Chin Sung, Avery Vaughn Tucker, Clark Christopher Wilson, Azi Dawt Zi


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