March 12, 2025


News for criminal justice students

Frackville Elks Lodge Hosts STC Student of the Year Awards Banquet


Each school year, the Schuylkill Technology Center partners with the Frackville Elks Lodge No. 1533 to honor and award students enrolled in career and technical education programs at the North Campus, Frackville and South Campus, Mar-Lin.

For the 2021-22 school year, each instructor of the 21 programs of study at the Schuylkill Technology Center was asked to select a Student of the Month award recipient. Two students from each campus were honored each month of the 21/22 School Year as Elks Students of the Month Award recipients from among the best of the STC student body.

On Wednesday May 11, 2022, these thirty-two exceptional students attended the 4th annual awards ceremony, held at the Frackville Elks Lodge No. 1533, for consistently going above and beyond in everything they do, from the classroom and school clubs/sports, to volunteering their time and efforts in our local communities. From the pool of thirty-two Student of the Semester award recipients, four students were selected as Student of the Year award winners.

Pictured (seated) left to right are Student of the Year award recipients: Nicholas Maldonado, Computer Information Systems student, Schuylkill Haven; Emily Seaman, Emerging Health Professionals student, Blue Mountain; Veronica Mercado, Criminal Justice student, Pottsville Area; Jacob Baver, Automotive Technology student, Pottsville Area.

Pictured (standing) left to right are: Bill Mack, Schuylkill Technology Center teacher and Pennsylvania Elks State President; Shannon Brennan, STC Director of CTE; Chris Groody, STC Assistant Director of CTE- North Campus; Stacey Minahan, STC Assistant Director of CTE- South Campus; Matthew Hatrak, Frackville Elks Lodge Esteemed Leading Knight.

Information and Photo Submitted by the Schuylkill Technology Center


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