Basile Joins Poetic Justice Pop Up Poetry Event During August Haverhill Art Walk


As a public service, 97.9 WHAV presents Community Spotlight at no charge for the benefit of Greater Haverhill nonprofit organizations. To submit news of events, fundraising appeals and other community calendar announcements, Click image.
Poet, singer and songwriter Al Basile joins Whittier Birthplace for another Poetic Justice Pop Up Poetry event this Saturday during the Haverhill Art Walk in downtown Haverhill.
Basile performs Saturday, Aug. 13, from 3-6 p.m., in the alley next to Barking Dog Ale House, 77 Washington St., Haverhill historic downtown Haverhill MA.
For a listing of other events during the Haverhill Art Walk, read WHAV’s earlier story online at
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