Changing Nature And Dimensions Of Indian Penal Code, Thakkar Law Publishers/House
The main objectives intends to bring out a book on changing nature and dimensions of Indian Penal Code. This book proposes to examine various legal and contemporary issues dealing with the past and present of the Indian criminal law.
The aim of the proposed book is to study the changing dimensions of criminal law and also the past and the development of criminal law over the ages. The book will highlight the key aspects in the study of criminal law, the emerging domains, the glorious past and the controversial, not debated and grey areas of criminal law.
“MACAULAY TO VERMA: CHANGING NATURE AND DIMENSIONS OF INDIAN PENAL CODE” for Edited book to be published by the Thakkar law Publishers/House, WHITESMANN with (ISBN- 978-93-91076-44-3)”.
- Prof Dr. Manu Singh, Director, School of Law and Legal Affairs, Noida International University, Noida.
- Advocate Shivendra Shivam Singh Rathor is Standing Counsel, Supreme Court of India
- Dr. Razia Chauhan is Assistant Professor in School of Law and Legal Affairs, Noida International University, Noida
Contributors can submit in the areas broadly based on the following sub- themes:
- Historical Background of Criminal Justice Administration in India
- Changing Dimensions of Crime in the 21st Century
- Position of Women in Criminal Jurisprudence
- Role of Forensic Science in Criminal Justice Administration
- Trial Procedures: Existing Law and Suggestive Changes
- Criminal Law Amendments from 1980s to 2021
- Cyber Crime and Investigation
- Sociological Theories and their impact on Criminal Behaviour
- Feminist Theories and Criminal Behaviour
- Police as a Wing of Criminal Justice Administration
- Correctional Institutions: Their Role & Importance
- Changing Dimensions Property Crimes in the 21st Century
- Gender Neutrality in Sexual Offences
- Victim’s Position in the Criminal Justice Administration
- Restorative Jurisprudence & Indian Criminal Law
- Reformative Jurisprudence and Indian Criminal Law
- Necrophilia as an offence under Indian Criminal Law
- Laws relating to Arrest and Detention
- Juvenile Delinquency
Manuscripts shall be formatted according to the following guidelines.
- The manuscript shall be in Microsoft word format, Times New Roman font, 12 pt. font size and 1.5 line spacing. Note that manuscript in PDF not allowed.
- The manuscript word limit is 4500-6000.
- The abstract word limit is 250-350, which should contain the gist of the manuscript followed by a maximum of six to seven keywords.
- The contributors must adhere to ILI citation style available at (
- All submissions should be sent with a covering letter indicating the Name of the Author, Institutional Affiliation and the Topic of the paper. Co-authored papers should give details about both the authors.
- The permissible limit of plagiarism is 25%. Beyond that the work will lead to disqualification.
Co-Authorship is allowed. However, there can be a maximum of two authors.
NOTE: Each Author with selected paper will be provided with a soft copy of the book as well as 1 complimentary hardcopy and acceptance E-Certificate (Note: only 1 hardcopy for 1 submission).
- Last date for paper submission – 15th october, 2022
- Acceptance/rejection of paper submitted within 7 days of submission.
- Tentative date of publication– 25th november, 2022
- The papers should be sent by e-mail to [email protected] latest by 15th october, 2022 with the subject as “submission of paper” papers submitted after the last date shall not be considered for publication.
The selected best quality papers will be sent for publication.
There is a publishing fee of Rs. 1000/- at par for all the contributors such as students, researchers, academicians. In the case of Co-Author/s, Rs. 1500 shall be charged. Payment for publication to be done after the acceptance of the submitted paper is communicated to the author.
Publication Payment Details:
Name: Razia Chauhan
Account No.: 33266046175
Bank: State Bank of India, Branch A.M.U IFSC Code: SBIN0005555
After payment share the payment details/screenshot to
For any query write at [email protected]
Contact Number: 7838235530
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