September 21, 2024


News for criminal justice students

Ron Rice stepping down from N.J. Senate


Amplifying social justice

Susan Garofalo, who started working as a member of Rice’s communication team in 2019, said Rice fervently advanced issues of racial equality.

Garofalo called Rice a straight shooter, who was honest, ethical, and respectful, even when he disagreed with colleagues.

“Senator Rice is a very complex man. He’s very intelligent. And he has a real clarity about what social justice looks like,” Garofalo said. “Senator Rice always has a sense: if it don’t feel like social justice, it ain’t.”

LeRoy Jones Jr., Essex County Democratic chairman and New Jersey state Democratic chairman, said Rice was an “avid supporter” of Jones’ successful campaign for a seat on the Essex County Board of Freeholders in 1988. Jones also served as a member of the General Assembly from 1994 to 2002.

“Senator Rice was always a champion for the voiceless,” Jones said.

Rice came up during a time of racial unrest, “kind of no different than they are today,” Jones added.

The Civil Rights Movement and Newark race riots (or “rebellion,” as some remember it) of the 1960s occurred during Rice’s early years.

“African Americans and people of color oftentimes were left out of the conversation,” Jones said. “Senator Rice was one that kept African Americans and people of color in the conversation.”

Rice’s later years in the Senate

According to multiple reports, Rice has been battling health issues, though his colleagues did not confirm how severe, out of respect for the elder statesman.

Rice had not been present at Senate voting sessions this year, either.

In addition to dealing with his own health concerns, he devoted much of his latter tenure to caring for the three most important women in his life, his wife, Shirley; his mother, Mary Sue; and his stepmom, Essie Mae, according to Garofalo.

New Jersey Sen. Ron Rice taking care of his late mom, Mary Sue, who passed away earlier this year. (Courtesy of Sen. Ron Rice)

All three women died within the last two years, staff confirmed.

“He saw each of them for what they gave to him and what they taught him,” Garofalo said. “I don’t think a lot of people know that, on the weekend, he would drive up to the Poconos … caring for his bedridden [step]mother.”

New Jersey Sen. Ron Rice’s late stepmother, Essie Mae. (Courtesy of Sen. Ron Rice)

The future of Rice’s Senate seat remains unclear.

According to a recent New Jersey Globe report, a decision may rest strongly in Jones’ hands, though Jones denied to confirm the Globe’s assessment.

“There’s a process that will take place … by law,” Jones said. “Members of the 28th Legislative District, those individuals that are county committee people will be assembled at a meeting..they will select the Democratic nominee.”


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